Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Once More, into the Breach...

Ok, so here we are, 17 minutes before the first day of July in the year of Our Lord 2004.

A snazzy start, if I do say so myself, but then again: this is MY blog, I can say pretty much whatever I want to.

Not that I will. I'm not THAT entertaining...

Too much stuff to discuss right now:

Is Michael Moore an Arrogant Galoot or Sharp Witted Documentarian?
Is President Bush doing things for the good of the Nation or fulfilling some personal vendetta in the name of his father?
Is it really a big deal that the LA Lakers lost the playoffs this year?
Why on EARTH are so many people being snookered and suckered into all this Atkins friendly bovine feces?!?!?
Who should go first: lawyers or insurance people? Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out...
Less Filling or Tastes Great?

I just don't know. Personally, the only thing I'm rooting for right now is Lance Armstrong in the Tour De Lance. (YES, you Frenchie Frogs, I'm calling it the Tour De LANCE. I don't bloody well care that it takes place in your country. Bite me!)

Did see Spider-Man 2 today. If you have time, if you have money, if you are inclined to be entertained by comic-book action: SEE THIS MOVIE. Ebert called it "the best comic book movie ever," and I'm apt to agree with him... At least until X-Men 3 comes out.

So we'll see just how long I can keep this thing going. I used to do some writing and post over at as well as but LIFE kept getting in the way. Unemployment has helped solve some of that, but doesn't go very far to keeping the family in beans and weenies. Oh well. Thank God for MONSTER.COM.

Letting the bulls run for now,

I'm the Spag Man, the one and only Spaggis (and to whoever is imitating me out there: you don't know Jack!)

Spaggis - spam haggis, for those poor Scottish folks who can't afford to steal a sheep...

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