Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Viva la Raza.. ?

I don't like looking at the news these days. Every time I look at a paper or turn on the TV, somebody somewhere is doing something more stupid and more distructive and more hateful than what they did yesterday.

Case in point: This week is "Let's see how many hispanics we can piss off" week. Immigration reform is the watchword on Capital Hill. "Let Us Work!" is the crys of millions in the streets. Of course, they aren't yelling it in English...

Now don't get me wrong. I have nothing against hispanics. Nothing at all. They are a beautiful people with beautiful culture (and GREAT food). But here's where I have a problem - why do they have a right to yell that they want to keep their jobs when they didn't come to this country legally?

Again, I don't have anything against hispanics. This is not a race issue for me. This is a legal issue. Or more specifically, a criminal issue.

If you come from south (or north for that matter) of the border, I have this to ask you: how did you get here?

If your answer is that you came across at a checkpoint, filled out paperwork, applied for a visa, got permission, learned the language... then I have no problem with you in the least. You are following your dream and you are doing it legally. Kudos to you for following the rules.

If your answer is that you came across late at night, fjorded a river, and hid out in somebody's basement until "the coast was clear"... you, I have a problem with. Because you are the same people that are screaming bloody murder about equal rights and "save our jobs" and other nonsense. Do you or do you not manage to get federal funds, my tax dollars, in addition to the pay check?

I'm not arguing that those issues aren't important. They are, no doubt. But look at it from MY perspective. I'm a white guy, born in this country. Went to an American high school. Went to an American college (such as it was). I'm straight, married, going on 15 years, with three kids. I am in my fourth major job since I left college and I make less than $35K a year.

I have a pretty good life, admittedly. But it is by no means easy. Now granted, I don't have to worry about government agencies coming by, taking away my job, and sending me away. But you know why? Because I'm an American CITIZEN. By birthright, I have citizenship.

Having said that, I have to point out that becoming a citizen is a time consuming, grueling process. I have known several people who have struggled through the process. And every single one has said it was well worth it because they have a better understanding of this country's history, it's governmental processes, and why this country can maintain the more positive aspects of its reputation. In fact, I think all Americans should have to go through the process, native born or not. But I'll save that rant for later...

Where am I going with this? Only this: why should somebody who crept into this country like a criminal be treated with equal respect as one who did it in the light of day, with nothing to hide?

If this country relies on hispanics doing certain types of jobs, and the only way those jobs can be accomplished is through hispanics coming here illegally, then there is a serious problem. Not with the people coming over, but in the system that forces them down a chute of illegality. "We want you here to work our fields, but we don't want to know about it, because if we do know about it, we'll kick you out."

It's messed up. I'm hoping our leaders can put their heads on straight, put serious matters to the fore, and straighten this mess out. If it means loosening up our immigration laws, then loosen them up, Senator Moneybucks. If it means tightening up our border system, then tighten them up.

I have no solutions. I'm just a guy trying to survive my own day to day. And I'm blathering like the brainless slug I am right now. My apologies for my incoherancies. Feel free to flame me, I'm sure I deserve it. Just know that I'm not a racist. I do care about what's going on. I just think that too much emphasis is put on the supposed "human" factor and not enough on the legal system that's supposed to reign some of this nonsense in.

Ok, having now doused myself in kerosene, I await your comments.

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