Thursday, December 28, 2006


As the year of our Lord 2006 (miscounted and misconstrued due to human error and arrogance) comes to a bitter end (and none too soon in most opinions...), I find myself pondering rebirth, like all of us white bread infidels do at this time of year. I look back on the previous year and wonder "how on Earth did we manage to survive all of that? And what am I going to do to try and make things better in the future?"

So.... from

res·o·lu·tion /?r?z?'lu??n/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[rez-uh-loo-shuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun 1. a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group. Compare concurrent resolution, joint resolution.
2. a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
3. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
4. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.
5. the act or process of resolving or separating into constituent or elementary parts.
6. the resulting state.
7. Optics. the act, process, or capability of distinguishing between two separate but adjacent objects or sources of light or between two nearly equal wavelengths. Compare resolving power.
8. a solution, accommodation, or settling of a problem, controversy, etc.
9. Music. a. the progression of a voice part or of the harmony as a whole from a dissonance to a consonance.
b. the tone or chord to which a dissonance is resolved.

10. reduction to a simpler form; conversion.
11. Medicine/Medical. the reduction or disappearance of a swelling or inflammation without suppuration.
12. the degree of sharpness of a computer-generated image as measured by the number of dots per linear inch in a hard-copy printout or the number of pixels across and down on a display screen.


[Origin: 1350–1400; ME < L resolution- (s. of resolutio), equiv. to resolut(us) resolute + -ion- -ion]

Here are my sparse resolutions for this year, in hopes to gain some resolution to my life...

1) I resolve to begin jogging / running / walking / crawling as of January 1. There is a three-fold goal in this... rediculous... decision. Goal A: I don't care for my profile as it currently jiggles, and the only way I'm going to change that is to change my activity level. This means going from ZERO to something other than zero. Eventually, if I'm consistant, I should go from blob to better. Goal B: I want to run in the Hood-to-Coast relay race this year. I've walked it several times, which bears its own challenges. I want to try running to see if my lungs (and knees) can survive the experience. Death wish, I know. But I like the idea of being involved in something that is a WOLRD RECORD (world's longest relay race - check it out!). Goal C: I want to do an activity that my son and I can enjoy together. He's a runner and I expect he'll be burning up the track in the coming years. I want to get in on the ground floor with him, so we have SOMETHING in common.

2) I resolve to read more this year. This past year, I fiddle farted around and read a bunch of junk (mostly graphic novels). My goal this year is to a) read all the Harry Potter novels (and keep track of all the characters so I can solve some of the mysteries that will be revealed in book 7), b) read the Chronicles of Narnia clear through, c) read my collected works of Ray Bradbury, and c) read more non-fiction style books. I just finished BONO: CONVERSATIONS WITH MICHKA ASSAYAS. It's a facinating read, and I highly recomend it. There are too many books out there I'm interested in reading. I just have to make time to do it.

3) I resolve to blog on a more consistant basis. This once every two months business is going to end. At this point, baring acts of God, wife, or disaster, I intend to put up one blog per week. It may not be of any worth, but at least a paragraph of what's going through my head at the time. So I can feel like I'm doing SOMETHING productive with my time and space here...

4) I resolve to write more this year. I want to "train" for the November novel writing "contest" that my friend Tim exposed me to this year (hey, Tim, I still want to read your novel!). I want to FINISH the novel I started several years ago. I'd gotten so far on it, then dropped it when other things in my life came into focus. I've gotten sidetracked with mind wasting video games (solitare is my nemisis...) and TV shows (although you can't fault me too much for watching Heroes... that show ROCKS!).

I'm sure there is more I want to do... I've got a list around here somewhere... and if/when I find it, I'll put up a part two.

In the meantime, Happy New Year, to one and all, and may the Spirit of Peace invade us all.


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