Saturday, October 05, 2013

Return of the Great Spaggisini... Or "Howsabout some brunch?"


I can't believe I haven't written word one on this thing since 2007. My god, how time has flown.

So, why start now? Haha.... pardon me while I giggle helplessly for a moment...

I need to start writing so I'll be writing. Because when I don't write, I don't write. Right?

Let me explain... no, there is too much, let me sum up...

I bitch and moan to my buddy Dave about wanting to write. Day in, day out, wah wah wah. So Dave, being a good friend and a wise one, kicked me in my chunky keister and said "Quit worrying about what to write and JUST WRITE. Do a blog, post your stuff. It doesn't have to be about what you had for lunch, or where you're currently taking a dump. Just write whatever. If you've got a story you're working on, or want to work on, work on it there. If you're good, you'll get an audience."

So, Dave, here we go... again... We'll try it your way. Maybe even get some interesting ideas going on. Maybe they'll turn into stories (novel? - Let's not get too hasty here... don't smoke TOO much pipeweed...) But who knows. Not I.

Although, I think I've got an idea to a short story Dave wrote once. I'll have to dig up the original and see if I can work my own magic on it.

Not that I'm a sorcerer, wizard, magician, or any other wielder of the weird arts. Neither neuromancer nor necromancer. I just want to be a story teller.

So... here I go...

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